Protecting your company's data is critical to your ongoing success. In order to prevent data security breaches that could have disastrous consequences, you need to stay one step ahead of the hackers and fraudsters that could be trying to break your security measures.
A proactive network security management plan is the only way to maintain the safety of your data. Here are three things that you should do if you want to achieve network security for your business in the future.
1. Evaluate Your Authentication Methods
It's not enough to require just a username and password when accessing important company data.
An employee's login credentials cannot always be kept private. Research shows that four out of every five security breaches that could be classified as hacks are the result of stolen or weak credentials.
If your company is still relying on usernames and passwords as the sole method of protection for its data, it's time to reevaluate your authentication methods. A two-factor authorization system is much more secure and can offer your company data protection over time.
2. Upgrade Your Software
How many times have you overlooked a software upgrade because you were too busy or didn't want to wait for new patches and upgrades to install? Ignoring software upgrades is dangerous.
Software manufacturers are constantly working to combat the latest techniques used by hackers to protect their software.
If you don't upgrade your company's software as soon as new security patches and other improvements are released, you are leaving your network vulnerable to a security breach.
Work closely with your IT department to ensure all software upgrades are installed in a timely manner.
3. Implement Regular Security Audits
It's impossible to address a problem within your organization that you don't know exists. Technology is constantly changing and expanding. This means that the approaches and techniques used by hackers to try and access your company's data will also be changing and evolving.
New vulnerabilities are discovered each day that could put the security of your network at risk. You should implement a series of regular security audits to test your network's ability to withstand a potential security breach.
These routine audits will reveal any weaknesses in your network that must be addressed to maximize security. It's better for you to discover a weakness during a security audit than to overlook the problem and have your data be compromised as a result.